1. Follow the "one-third" rule. Never cut more than the top third of the grass.
2. Mow grass about one-half inch higher than you would normally mow when side discharging or vacuuming.
3. Keep mower blades sharp. Mulching tends to dull blades faster than other methods of mowing. Sharpen them more often, if necessary.
4. Water lawn after mulching, not before. Dry clippings disperse easier than moist ones. Watering after the lawn has been mulched helps clippings settle better and speeds up decomposition.
5. Reduce fertilizer ratios. The clippings you give back to the lawn return nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil.
6. Use the proper blades. Don't be fooled by discount store "mulching" blades. Only the proper combination of airflow, chamber design, deflectors and blades will produce optimum mulching results.