Suggested Mowing Heights

Suggested mowing heights for major cool- and warm-season grasses.

Commercial Lawn 11305774

Suggested Mowing Heights for Major Cool-Season Grasses

SPECIES    Min Height    Mow At    Max Height    Mow At (all in inches)

Tall Fescue   1    1.5    3    4.5

Perennial Rye    0.25    0.375    3    4.5

Kentucky Blue    0.75    1.125    3    4.5

Creeping Bent    0.1    0.15    0.25    0.375

Suggested Mowing Heights for Major Warm-Season Grasses

SPECIES    Min Height    Mow At    Max Height    Mow At (all in inches)

Greens Bermuda    0.1    0.15    0.25    0.375

Other Bermuda    0.5    0.75    3    4.5

Zoysia    0.375    0.56    3    4.5

Centipede    1    1.5    3    4.5

St. Augustine    2    3    4    6

Data from a presentation by John Sorochan, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, at the 2014 Lawn Care Summit in Nashville.
