Honda has recalled about 20,800 Honda brand and 48 Columbia brand 21-inch walk lawnmowers in the U.S., along with 3,000 in Canada.
The Honda mowers are red and silver (HRR) and red and gray (HRX). Both have “Honda” on the engine cover. The model and serial numbers are located on the certification label that is affixed to the cutter housing deck behind the engine. Honda recalled lawnmowers are:
Honda Models ….. Serial Number Range
HRR2169VLA ….. MZCG-8764914 - MZCG-8824353
HRX2174VLA ….. MAGA-2255148 - MAGA-2260227
The Columbia brand lawnmower, model number 12ALD33Q897, comes in orange and black. “Honda” is printed on the engine cover. The Honda engine serial number is located on a label on the back of the engine. It is also stamped into the engine block adjacent to the oil filler cap/dipstick. A range of affected Honda engines installed in Columbia brand lawnmowers sold in the U.S. follows:
Columbia Model ….. Honda Engine Serial Number Range
1A313KC0835 ….. GJARA 3641724 through GJARA 3642215
Incidents/injuries. Honda has received 11 reports of the lawnmower’s blade continuing to rotate after the handlebar control lever was released. No injuries were reported.
Remedy. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled lawnmowers. Honda model owners should contact a Honda Power Equipment dealer to schedule a free repair. Columbia model owners should contact a Honda Engine dealer to schedule a free repair. American Honda is contacting all registered customers directly.
Places Sold. Honda brand lawnmowers were sold at Honda Power Equipment dealers and Home Depot stores nationwide from January 2013 through December 2013 for between $580 and $780. Columbia brand lawnmowers were sold at Beaver Valley Supply in Denver, CO; Lawn Equipment Parts Co, Inc. in Marietta, PA, and at Smiths South-Central Sales Co. in Spring Hill, LA, from January 2013 through December 2013 for $500.
Visit the CPSC website for more information.