Turf Formula

Neptune's Harvest recommends using its all organic Turf Formula for a variety of different outdoor needs.

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Neptune’s Harvest Turf Formula is intended for established lawns, recent turf repairs and reseeding. The multi-purpose fertilizer may also be used for flowers and vegetables.

  • For use on lawns – use 1 pint per 1,000 square feet, every two to three weeks
  • For use on flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs – use 1/8 cup (1 ounce) per gallon of water, every two to three weeks

Neptune's Harvest explains that this all-organic formula is made from several species of edible North Atlantic fish remains. The hydrolyzed fish is cold-processed from start to finish so there is no fishy smell. The product also includes molasses, seaweed (Ascophyllum Nodosum), humatate and yucca extract. Neptune's Harvest says that the fish enzymes are still alive in the final product, which benefits the soil.

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