From now until 12/31/12, receive a $200 manufacturer’s rebate when you purchase any new BOSS straight-blade trip-edge truck plow. Click here to find an authorized BOSS dealer near you.
Legal Disclaimer: Promotional offer is a $200 manufacturer rebate on any new BOSS Straight-Blade Trip-Edge Truck Plow. Eligible products include any new BOSS Trip-Edge Straight Blade Truck Snowplow. Offer excludes BOSS Skid-Steer Trip-Edge, Box Plows and Power-V DXT models. Rebate cannot be combined with any other discounts or promotional offers. Snowplows MUST be purchased at an authorized BOSS Snowplow distributor or dealer between November 10, 2012 and December 31, 2012. Rebate offer available in the United States and Canada only.