GreenMark Consulting Group is presenting a two-part webinar on “How To Build & Manage a Better Snow & Ice Control Company”. Whether you're the owner of the company, the operations manager, the person that answers the phone or anyone in between, this is a can’t-miss live webinar event.
Webinar #1 – Finding the Business & Financial Balance for Snow Business Success
September 21 from 2-3 p.m. EDT
While snow and ice management services present many great opportunities to balance your seasonal business, there are challenges to achieving this successfully. This session will offer a broad overview of snow market segments, contract types, and strategies to identify what you do best and how to optimize that for snow business success. You’ll learn to generate a strategic plan that differentiates you from competitors and positions you as the choice provider in your market. You will also learn a few tips to prepare yourself to agree, counter-offer or say ‘NO’ to certain contracts when the job cannot be fulfilled effectively or even safely.
Webinar #2 – Building a Strong Management Mindset for Snow Operations Success
September 28 from 2-3 p.m. EDT
Your thinking is critical to the success of your snow & ice management business regardless of the size of your company. This session will outline the critical questions you must ask yourself while building your snow business model, but more importantly to inspire best management and operating practices that you can implement to prepare your team for operational excellence and customer satisfaction. In this session you’ll gain practical, easy to apply and replicable methods to build a seasonal transition plan and get tips for execution to generate a strong team and snow success.