Canadian Landscaping and Snow Removal Company Is Melting Away Winter

One snowmelter can replace several dump trucks that would be removing snow, so it is more cost-effective and reduces traffic.

InfoTel News
Snowy Road Px

With all the snow over this winter, snow removal services have been busy plowing, salting and hauling away snow. But one company in Kamloops, , Canada, is taking a different approach by melting the snow, not hauling it way.

Lyons Landscaping is one of the first British Columbia companies to use a CT-15 Trecan Snowmelter, according to general manager Collin Lyons. His company began researching different alternatives to remove snow from busy parking lots, while also reducing traffic and being more cost-effective.

The company uses a snowmelter and currently has two clients, B.C. Hydro and Royal Inland Hospital, where the snow is melted from the busy parking lots. But the snowmelter is also used at other sites whenever it's needed.

Lyons adds that one snowmelter replaces several dump trucks that would be on the property removing snow.

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