InfernalMelt and InfernalMelt with Residucron from Industrial Systems, Ltd. are part of a line of hot liquids that removes snow and ice from pavements, serves as an anti-icing agent, and can be used for pre-wetting rock salt.
InfernalMelt has a low freeze point of -36° F. It is composed of sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium chlorides with an added corrosion inhibitor, blended for maximum melting performance while causing less incidental damage to landscapes.
- When anti-icing, applying as soon as possible or before the event, prevents bonding of snow and ice to pavement to speed up removal operations, and prevents black ice
- When used for deicing, it begins melting ice and snow right upon application and breaks the bond between the ice, snow and the road to allow for easy plowing
- With use of a straight stream nozzle, it melts through 1/2 inch of dry packed snow and removes the bond between the snow and the pavement
- When used for pre-wetting, it offers a 10-15% reduction in salt use, due to reduced salt lost on the side of the road; the melting begins right away, and salt does not need to make its own brine
InfernalMelt with Residucron has an low freeze point of -34° F. It is composed of sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium chlorides with an agriculturally derived clear organic additive, which results in less incidental damage to landscapes and features an organic ingredient that inhibits corrosion.
- When anti-icing, applying as soon as possible or before the event, to prevent bonding of snow and ice to the pavement to allow for easy removal
- Can be used up to three days before an event because of the residual effect from the organic additive, so it starts and continues working earlier
- When used for deicing, it begins melting snow immediately and is a clear product that won't track into buildings or vehicles
- With use of a straight stream nozzle, it melts through 1/2 inch of dry packed snow and removes the bond between the snow and the pavement
- When used for pre-wetting, it offers a 10-15% reduction in salt use, due to reduced salt lost on the side of the road; the melting begins right away, and salt does not need to make its own brine
- Has a lower salt consumption from pre-wetting and is better for plantings and the environment